Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back to my annual 12 days of Indies, where I share some of the top indie books available. For those who are new to this fun event, the deal is that each day I will share a new list of books that are on sale from now through December 24th. Each day, I will choose one book from the list to purchase and encourage you to do the same. Then share the one you chose and invite your friends and followers to also join the fun and purchase a book.
Don’t miss Day 12’s list
This is a great way to feed your reading for 2021 at a reasonable price while also supporting indie authors.
Today we make choosing even harder with 5 books to pick from.
Day 11
PNR fans, don’t miss this delicious tale for $2.99 on e-book. The paperback is also on sale for only $10.99 (normally $14.99)
If you enjoy Action thrillers, then don’t miss this $2.99 sale.
Fans of YA steampunk will not want to miss this $2.99 deal.
For something new and different, don’t miss this magical realism stage play for $2.99.
And for our horror fans, this lovely is available for only 99¢ on e-book or $5 in paperback.
Pick One
Seriously, so hard. I’m torn between The Boy who Kissed the Rain and Snow Falls. Totally going to have to eeney- meany-miney-moe it…. and the winner is….. The Boy who Kissed the Rain.
Which one has you hooked? Be sure to share on social media and mention #12DaysofIndie so we can give these amazing authors the lift they deserve!
Until next time,
Keep Reading!
JB Richards
Toni Cox