Hello Lovely Writers,
I am doing a segment on what I think is one of the most important parts of an author’s marketing strategy. E-newsletter lists.
Do you have an e-newsletter list yet? It surprises me how many authors don’t. For many, I hear that they are just too busy. They depend on social media to reach their fans. They don’t know where to start with an email list, or why they should try. We are going to delve into those issues today.
Why an E-newsletter List is Necessary for a Serious Author
(no matter how busy you are)
I know, being an author is hard. It is time-consuming. Just writing a book is time-consuming, but this whole marketing thing? Talk about overwhelming! I get it, I do. We are all just doing the best that we can. Many authors are still on the Social Media Band Wagon, in regards to reaching new fans and keeping them engaged. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to get rid of social media, anyone who knows me knows I have a ridiculous number of social media accounts that I post to and interact with regularly!
However, I prefer to keep my fans as close to my personal control as possible. I don’t want to have to pay Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other social media platforms to find new fans AND to stay in front of them. That’s just crazy!
That’s why I have a newsletter. I own that list. Yes, I have to pay my newsletter emailer, but if I don’t like their prices, or if I develop a problem, I can take my list when I leave their service for another. As long as that reader wants to stay in touch with me, no one can keep us apart.
Can I say the same for Social Media? Nope.
Where Social Media & E-newsletters fall on the Sales Funnel

I have a much higher conversion of sales from my e-newsletter list than from social media. Most marketing professionals will tell you that social media is toward the top of the sales funnel. This is the point where you are getting them interested. It’s the digital candy shop display, so to speak. But once you get them to your e-newsletter list, they already prefer you as an author. Now you just have to offer them the products to purchase, a little love and attention to nurture their loyalty, and a nudge in the right direction on how they can advocate for you!
So, are you sold on why you should do an e-newsletter? Great, next time we’ll talk about how to plan your newsletter. If you have any questions or opinions about e-newsletters, drop them in the comments below. We’re here to help!
(If you would like to view the rest of the series, it is as follows: the importance of having an e-mail newsletter, the broad planning of what you will offer, choosing a Service Provider, and What goes in the Welcome Email, Just Because You Build it, Doesn’t Mean they’ll Come. be sure to see the whole series.)
Until next time,
Keep Writing!