- Publish 4 books in 2018—The Survivalist Bible Serial launched (I have the first part of the serial in an anthology with M.L.S. Weech, and it will release in October), Clear Angel Chronicles 3, Hell School 2, and Hell School 3. (I’ll be honest, I haven’t had a whole lot of time to write with everything going on. As it is, I will be pushing my luck to get Hell School: Sophomoric Sadness finished and released in December. So I am taking out Clear Angel Chronicles 3 and Hell School 3). Survivalist Bible: Genesis will launch in October as part of M.L.S. Weech’s POWER of WORDS anthology and that is coming along perfectly. Survivalist Bible: Exodus is pretty much done, just needing line edits, and Survivalist Bible: Levi is almost finished. Hell School, I need to pick up the pace on.
- Increase my social reach by 50%. This one is a bit messy for you to see in action. I created a lovely graph in Excel (that I am not going to share, because it’s really not that lovely) with my starting point for each of my social media platforms’ current reach. I will track each stat weekly. This is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. I’m actually not going to mess with this one because it’s a good goal. I’m just going to have to work harder because I haven’t really been working on this goal the last 90 days, so I’m a bit behind. It’s impressive how much I’ve been able to catch up by working on this weekly.
- Re-release my specific previous 5 titles that fit the OWS brand under OWS as part of my partner contract. This is already in progress and shouldn’t be too difficult to finish. Hell School should be coming in May, Angel’s Dance in June, and both books in The Hunters Saga are underway, so this is looking good. Hell School: Fresh Meat is releasing this month, thanks to Rebekah Jonesy. I’ve honestly lost track of the others, but Jonesy is on top of it! I know she is still planning The Hunters Saga to be re-released in October, and Angel’s Dance will probably be this month or next. But I have been so busy with everything else that I’ve really been trusting her to knock this out. She’s been pretty busy too with all the awesome books coming out through OWS. I don’t know how she finds the time!
- Expand my OWS-U course offerings by one course each semester. Ah, did you know about OWS-U? It is this awesome venture that we are doing to provide masterclasses to authors on topics that will help them grow as an author-preneur. I am all for having at least one of my goals focused on giving back. The first semester starts in February, and I am teaching two of the five courses being offered. A lot has changed about this goal, as we’ve decided to go with Teachable and offer the courses year-round, rather than by semester. I am still looking to add 2 more classes to the line up this year, though. The courses are re-releasing on Teachable this month with an awesome promo sale July 15th of Buy 1 get 1 1/2 off. Don’t miss it! I’ve already started developing The Business of Authoring, which will hopefully be added to the lineup in September, but man, creating courses around everything else we are doing is tough! I am hoping to have another course by December, but still trying to narrow it down between three that people are asking for.
- Increase my book sales by 25%. I hate setting monetary goals. Truly, I do. But they are important. I probably should set this one higher, as my sales took a hit when I joined the OWS executive team back in July 2017. But we’ve got a lot of goals going on with OWS as well, so I want to keep this attainable. This will be easier to attain once we get the books up on OWS Ink. I am sitting at about an 8% increase right now. Definitely could be better.

90 Day Plan Q2 goals and Check-In
- Preparing The Survivalist Bible Serial for publication– I am totally on top of this and feeling really good about it.
- Track Social media reach– I’ve been checking in weekly on this (mostly) This got way bigger than I expected because I am also doing it for OWS Social Media, so am tracking 13 different accounts! But each one has seen growth in both followers and engagement. I am pleased with the progress and hope to see it keep growing.
- Get Angel’s Dance and Hell School: Fresh Meat re-released through OWS and onto Ingram Spark for distribution into bookstores. This actually works towards goal 3 and 5. Once they’ve been re-released through OWS-U, I can start marketing them again! Fortunately, Ingram Spark is running a special promotion in July for Camp Nanowrimo so we will be able to achieve this, no problem!
- Plan and execute tours for the books I have re-released through OWS- I will plan a week long tour for Hell School to re-fresh it’s SEO as soon as we get it on Ingram Spark, and a tour for Clear Angel Chronicles as soon as Angel’s Dance is back up. I will also look at doing local book store promotion in August as I should be all healed up from surgery by then.
- Keep Building that Social Media Platform- I will keep using the social media tracker, though pairing back to once a month because I am re-launching my website on WordPress and that will have me quite busy this month.
- Write 2K words a day on my WIP- Man, being a publisher has you running so many different directions and I am really bad about getthing my word count in on MY projects. I am going to start making writing my first activity of the day before things get hairy, going back to the way I was doing it when I had a full time job, because being a publisher is MORE than a full-time job and my authoring dreams are kind of getting pushed to the back burner.