Hello Lovelies,
Man, it has been a hot minute since I posted anything, hasn’t it? My whole routine of things has been so out of whack and I have been trying to do all the things and getting so overwhelmed. I have been struggling, for real. How, after being in the writing industry for 12 years, after writing 13 books, and reaching a pinnacle, can I be struggling?
Because no one tells you that even when you achieve “success” that there is a lot to maintaining success. Other writers share their experiences with imposter syndrome all the time, but we all seem to think “Oh, once I hit this magical number (of sales, of books published, or experience, whatever), that feeling will go away.”
The last two years have been rough as I try to republish all my books, re-release all my courses, build my blog back out, and work a day job all while dealing with my health issues.
So my first step to trying to get back on track with the site is to start writing here regularly. Get back to the creative stuff, not just the replicating stuff. But I need some outside help so I’ve joined the Insecure Writer’s Support group.
I’ve been an avid fan of the group for years, but have never been more than a spectator until now.
Each month IWSG members share a post discussing our struggles as writers, network to support one another, and it gives me some outside motivation to keep to a schedule over here on the blog.
This month, we’re sharing the top books we recommend to help with writing craft.
My bible, which sits on my work shelf in view whenever I have questions is The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White.
I probably review this book every couple of months. It isn’t focused on writing fiction but I tend to be a very functional writer and need the reminders from this gem. The tips apply to all forms of written communication from blogging to fiction writing.
Alex J. Cavenaugh recommends Save the Cat, which is another great resource that is geared towards screenwriters but is a fantastic tool on storytelling in general. Check out all the other recommendations on the list. I know I will be buying a lot of books on the craft of writing this month!
One that is on my TBR so will be the first book I buy is Story Trumps Structure: How to Write Unforgettable Fiction by Breaking the Rules by Steven James.
Any that you recommend? Let us know in the comments so we can all grow together!
Until next time,
Keep Writing!
Jacqui Murray
Larry D Mihm
Julia Quay
Kim Lajevardi
Melissa Maygrove
Roland Yeomans
Roland Yeomans
John Winkelman
Natalie Aguirre
Alex J. Cavanaugh
Victoria M. Lees
Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy
Janet Alcorn
Julie Kemp Pick
Loni Townsend