Hello Lovelies,

For those who missed my April update, I shared some progress on my health and wellness front. I announced then some exciting news about a surgery to help me with my wellness goals and that I was going to get back to my weekly accountability tracking here on the site. Talk about perfect timing. The very next day, I got notification of my pre-approval with insurance for the surgery. The same day my husband was terminated from his job.

So yeah, been a lot of feels this weekend.

Fortunately, the approval was through my insurance with my job so we decided to keep moving forward with the plan and hope that he is able to get another job before then to help cover the costs.

Then I ran into another frustration. Previously when I was sharing my tracking info, I was using Fitbit and Myfitnesspal. Since then my Fitbit died (again) so I decided to replace it with a Samsung Galaxy watch. My husband’s had lasted him well over a year so we figured it made more sense than replacing my Fitbit every 8 months or so. Lol. The downside is that Samsung doesn’t play nice with Myfitnesspal. It will only pull food tracking from myfitnesspal, but it won’t transfer activity to myfitnesspal. It also has kinda sad tracking data and none of the great charts I enjoyed with Fitbit.

So still trying to figure out how I am going to manage comparing the data just for me, let alone in a way that’s easy to share. I have a nutrition appointment on the 28th and hopefully they can give me some ideas. But in the meantime, I am focusing on tracking my food and using the exercise journal on Myfitness pal to track measurements, activities, and how I’m feeling.


Measurement notes


While I wasn’t tracking here, over the last year, I have been tracking periodically in Myfitnesspal. As you can see my numbers have really fluctuated over the last 6 months.

I was very excited when I got on the scale Sunday as I have lost weight and inches, even though it is still higher than it was at my peak.

Tracking my food has been trickier. I did a calculation back in December for my estimated cal count and was at 267 so have been aiming for 2100-2400 calories but I really struggle to get that many calories in. I still rarely if ever get hungry, but that was also what motivated me to explore this surgery.

Plan Moving Forward

Knowing that after the surgery I will be expected to maintain a diet of 70% protein 30% vegetables, I am transitioning to that diet model and am trying to be better about tracking.

I am also aiming to move every hour and add walking my dog and other physical activity lasting more than 20 minutes. I had a blast going swimming on Saturday and am trying to figure out how I can justify the cost of an annual membership again, but hesitant to do that until we get my husband’s job situation sorted out.  But I will aim for 40 minutes of physical activity 3 days a week without injury.


Wish me luck!

Until next time,

Keep Growing!

If you would like to see my weight-loss Journey, you can check that out here:

Keto day 0 

Keto day 7

Keto Day 14

Keto Day 21

Keto Day 28

Keto Day 35

Day 42

Day 49

Day 56

Day 63

Day 70

Day 77

Day 84

Day 105

Otherwise, you can use my recipes to build your own meal planning!